Artemis Fowl
LEPRecon Film Entrance

LEPRecon entrance

LEPRecon or Lower Elements Police Reconaissance was a police organization dedicated to protecting the fairy people. It employed a large number of offices, organized into a squads headed by captains and overseen by a commander. Its duties included protection of the fairy people's most valuable treasure, the Aculos, and more generally guarding against anything that jeopardized the secret existence of the fairies. Other tasks might include rounding up and jailing a thieving dwarf, tracking a rogue troll on the surface, and rescue of one of their own if captured. Their actions were monitored by the executors and certain measures required direct approval from the executors before they could undertake them.


Commander Root Briefing

Commander Root briefing LEPRecon forces

"For the peace to remain, so must our secret existence. Preserve that at all costs. Jeopardize it, and I'll have you incarcerated at Howler's Peak. Any questions? No? Good."
―Commander Root to her LEPReceon forces[src]

LEPREcon was on high alert following the theft of the Aculos, the most valuable treasure in all of the fairy world. The object's theft was considered such a critical danger that Commander Root sent all active-duty forces to downtown Haven City in the hopes of tracking and recovering it. She warned them that anyone caught endangering the secret existence of the People would be imprisoned at Howler's Peak.

Just as everyone was getting down to work in the search for the Aculos, Commander Root received an alert from Foaly, a centaur who was LEPRecon's resident tech genius and gadgeteer. He told her that there was an unknown runner who had reached the surface, possibly a deep-tunnel breakout. She ordered him to send a force to investigate it, but as he pointed out, all active-duty officers were downtown on the search for the Aculos. Root then sent Holly Short, the daughter of disgraced officer Beechwood Short, to investigate. The runner turned out to be a troll and, upon seeing it, Root ordered a full containment team and a time freeze placed over the wedding it had crashed.

Root ordered Short straight back to headquarters afterwards, but she instead took a detour to the Hill of Tara, hoping to find evidence that would clear her father's name. She instead found only her father's identification tag and then was shot with a tranquilizer dart. Root quickly realized what had happened: that Short had been kidnapped and taken to Fowl Manor. She ordered a full-scale recovery effort, complete with a time freeze over Fowl Manor. However, Artemis Fowl Jr. and his bodyguard Domovoi Butler came out to fight using weaponry stolen from Holly Short. They managed to destabilize the time freeze capsule. After a series of exchanges and maneuvers, Root sent in the "giant dwarf" Mulch Diggums, who discovered a safe which contained the Aculos.

At this point, Briar Cudgeon, secretly working for Opal Koboi, appeared and wrested control from Root. He then sent the troll from earlier into Fowl Manor, hoping to kill everyone inside. Instead, those inside managed to knock out the control, and then those outside ignored Cudgeon's orders and restored Holly Short's magic, allowing her to heal Domovoi Butler, who had been mortally wounded in the fight. The LEPRecon forces were then forced to pull out due to the destabilization of the time freeze. Holly Short, however, returned to Fowl Manor and used the power of the Aculos to rescue Artemis Fowl Sr. from Opal Koboi. Back at LEPRecon headquarters, Short turned in a list of Koboi's accomplices given to her by Artemis Sr. to Root. Root told her that she wanted her to investigate it personally. Short then entered the office, where she was mobbed by congratulatory co-workers.

